city management platform

3 examples of Smart Cities with a city management platform

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The Smart City concept is becoming a word that is widely heard. Many people has a lot questions about it: What makes a city ‘smart’? What are the initiatives to fall under the ‘smart’ umbrella? And part of the blame goes to the cities that are incorporating a city management platform like FIWOO.

Let’s see below some examples of Smart Cities and their way of managing the city through an IoT platform.

3 examples of Smart Cities with a city management platform

One of the advantages of using this type of software is that data is aggregated on a single intelligent platform regardless of where it comes from. Business Intelligent, Machine Learning or Big Data come together to analyze information, predict future changes and make smart decisions.

A Smart City Platform means impact and strategy in the short, medium and long term on citizens and their quality of life.

Here we are going to present the 3 examples of Smart Cities:

1) Barcelona

Barcelona is an example not only in Spain but in the whole world. Its management is allowing the city council to save billions of dollars a year by installing these smart systems:

2) Singapore

Around 2014 they decided to launch their Smart Nation Programme. And one of the functionalities is a city management platform that offers real-time information on what is happening in the city to its citizens.

They are putting it into extreme with initiatives like:

  • Tracking systems that warn citizens that they are smoking in prohibited areas.
  • Sensors that measure the amount of people accumulated in certain area
  • Monitoring of cars in the city.

3) New York

New York City is also a great focus for Smart initiatives. Among all of them, we will highlight some:

Feel your City. Feel FIWOO.

Here are some examples of cities that are already using platforms that manage all the verticals in a Smart City.

We look forward to hearing from you.

For more information on building trusted smart city IoT solutions, do not hesitate to contact us in this email.



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